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Dr. Bazzone & Staff welcome you.
Relax & Enjoy the Lord's Prayer!
One of our favorite books is featured below.
"Rediscover Jesus"
If you would like a complementary copy
Just call 228-604-4546
We'll be glad to forward a copy to you.

"Rediscover Jesus"
Our God is a God of Surprises
It was the biggest meeting of Paul's life, and it had gone well.
He couldn't wait to tell his wife and his boss. As he rushed out of the Brooklyn office building with the rest of the team, they noticed a vacant cab - a rare sight during rush hour.
Eager to get to the airport to catch their flight home, they bolted toward the cab, yelling to get the driver's attention. But as they made their way across the sidewalk, they inadvertently knocked over a small produce stand. The rest of the team seemed oblivious until Paul stopped and turned around to go back.
From beside the taxi the others called out to Paul, "come on, you'll miss your flight."
"Go ahead without me," Paul replied as he made his way back across the street toward the sidewalk covered in produce. At that moment, he realized that the woman that had been behind the produce stand was blind. She was just standing there crying softly with tears running down her face.
"It's OK, it's OK." Paul said to her as he got down on his hands and knees and began picking up the fruit and vegetables. There were a hundred people passing in each direction, but nobody else stopped to help. They just scurried off to wherever they were going.
When the fruit was all back up on the stand, Paul began neatly organizing it, setting aside anything that was spoiled. Now he turned to the woman and asked, are you OK? She nodded through her tears. Then, reaching for his wallet, he took out some bills and passed them to the woman, saying, “This money should cover the damages.“
With that, Paul turned and began to walk away.
“Mister,“ the woman called after him. Paul paused and turned around. “Are you Jesus?“
“Oh, no,“ he replied.
The woman nodded and continued, “I only ask because I prayed for Jesus to help me as I heard my fruit falling all over the sidewalk.“
Paul turned to leave again, only now his eyes began to fill with tears.
For a long time he wandered around looking for a taxi. After finally finding one, he sat in bumper-to-bumper traffic all the way to the airport. He had missed his flight, and because it was Friday night, all the other flights were full.
Paul spent the night in a hotel by the airport. This gave him time to think.
He couldn’t get the question out of his head: when was the last time someone confused you for Jesus?
Rev. Billy Graham marvels at technology's power to improve lives and change the world.
Road to Emmaus Journey
Road to Emmaus Journey
I am passing on to you one of the most important videos you will ever watch.
Most understand God, our Creator and that we are Blessed with his Holy Spirit.
When it gets to facing death, those who do not accept God for so many reasons, have only one regret… why did I not believe earlier in my life… it would have made a difference.
Today we will talk about Jesus and his walk to Emmaus. ENJOY!
Acts of the Apostles
Book 5 of the Bible
Acts of the Apostles
Book 5 of the Bible
Most people will live their entire life without reading the Bible. Acts tells the story of the founding of the Christian church and the spread of its message.
Luke tells the story based on his relationship with Paul.
So many lessons, stories that you can appreciate in this movie.
Follow the Acts by number in lower right corner, as you watch the movie. The dialogue in the movie is the actual Bible Acts scripture. Keep your Bible close you'll find yourself referencing & reading the Bible to follow this incredible story. God Bless!

When you explain to someone how to transform their physical & spiritual health with fasting, a lot of people will ask...
“But how can you achieve good health by not eating? It doesn’t make sense.”
On the surface – it appears to be counter-intuitive...
It definitely flies in the face of what we have been told since we were children - which is to EAT!
Truth is... that fasting is healing
Knowing when and how to fast is essential.
Thousands of my people are living their best life as a result of learning how to fast properly.
Change your health and your life from the inside out
Check out our web at
Relax... take your time. Review and educate yourself with the videos on fasting and weight loss.
It will not happen for you overnight... but you must start.
Enjoy the journey... it's your life.
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